Description This module discusses Node.JS and MongoDB as follows: Modules Node.js express Node EJS MongoDB NoSQL Database Connect Node.js with Database
Description This module covers the following topics: Introduction to React (JSX and components) React State and Props React forms
Description This module covers the following topics: Introduction to JS. Variables & operators. Conditions and Repetition. Functions. Event- driven DOM Manipulation. AJAX and Fetch.
Description In this Module will cover the following topics: Introduction to CSS, selectors and properties CSS box model and layout Responsive Design CSS Preprocessing CSS cosmetics
This Module demonstrates: HTML Document and Tags including: a, img,p, h1…h6, ul ,ol , li, table, div, span. Semantic tags: nav, header, footer, section. HTML forms: form tag, input text, password, checkbox, radio, select, text area submit button.
This module introduces the learner to Web development Technologies, concepts, tools and frameworks. Web Development Concepts. Overview on web development technologies. Environment Setup and tools
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