Thank you for joining HTUx. We at HTUx (“HTUx”, “we”, “us”) respect your privacy and want you to understand how we collect, use, and share data about you. This Privacy Policy covers our data collection practices and describes your rights regarding your personal data.

Unless we link to a different policy or state otherwise, this Privacy Policy applies when you visit or use the HTUx websites, mobile applications, APIs, or related services (the “Services”). It also applies to prospective customers of our business and enterprise products.

By using the Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. You shouldn’t use the Services if you don’t agree with this Privacy Policy or any other agreement that governs your use of the Services.

1. What Data We Get

We collect certain data from you directly, like information you enter yourself, data about your consumption of content, and data from third-party platforms you connect with HTUx. We also collect some data automatically, like information about your device and what parts of our Services you interact with or spend time using. All data listed in this section is subject to the following processing activities: collecting, recording, structuring, storing, altering, retrieving, encrypting, pseudonymizing, erasing, combining, and transmitting.

2. What We Use Your Data For:

We use your data to do things like provide our Services, communicate with you, troubleshoot issues, secure against fraud and abuse, improve and update our Services, analyze how people use our Services, serve personalized advertising, and as required by law or necessary for safety and integrity. We retain your data for as long as it is needed to serve the purposes for which it was collected.

We use the data we collect through your use of the Services to:

3. Your Rights

You have certain rights around the use of your data, including the ability to opt out of promotional emails, cookies, and collection of your data by certain third parties. You can update or terminate your account from within our Services and can also contact us for individual rights requests about your personal data. Parents who believe we’ve unintentionally collected personal data about their underage child should contact us for help deleting that information.