Business Sustainability

Instructed by Shatha AlAzzab, Batool Ghanem

This course is part of A Step into the World of Freelancing

Course Overview

Expanding your knowledge of business sustainability and setting an action plan for your career and business growth is essential to succeed. Therefore, in this course, you will learn how to sustain your business, plan for your career and business, and develop your leadership skills.

Learning Outcomes

Sustain your business and be aware of your business value chain Analyze and decide to choose the best resources for your business Revenue Streams Create a career & business growth plan Identify your leadership style and work happy
Welcome to Course 6: Business Sustainability
Block 1: استدامة الأعمال و تنوع الموارد المالية
Block 2: تطور و نمو الأعمال
Block 3: عادات القادة الناجحين
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