
Instructed by Hikmat Shehadeh, Hana Al Rasheed, Eng. Dania Alsaid

This course is part of Programming from Zero to Hero

Course Overview

In this course, you will explore the different types of errors that can occur in Java programs, and learn how to apply the concepts of debugging to develop efficient and error-free code. You will learn how to identify and fix common errors such as syntax errors, logical errors, and runtime errors.
You will also learn how to use Java’s exception handling mechanism, which allows you to gracefully handle errors that cannot be resolved at runtime. You will learn how to throw and catch exceptions, as well as how to use exception handling to improve the reliability and robustness of your Java programs.
In addition, you will learn how to deal with files in Java, including how to read from and write to files, how to create and delete files, and how to manipulate file paths. You will explore the different types of file formats that Java supports, including text files, binary files, and XML files.

Learning Outcomes

Explore Error Types and apply the concepts of debugging to develop efficient and error free codes Throwing and catching Java exceptions Learn how to deal with files in Java "
Welcome to Course (5): Debugging
Block 1: Debugging Techniques
Block 2 : Exceptions Handling
Block 3: Files
Module 5 Quiz
Issue your credentials
Hikmat Shehadeh Teaching and Research Assistant