Engineering Problems in Hospitals

Instructed by Dr.Frank Painter

This course is part of Clinical Engineering Professional

Course Overview

This course is designed to cover hospital systems that require an engineering background and knowledge to understand, design and solve problems in these areas. Topics covered include Electrical systems, Power quality, Radiation protection, Electromagnetic Interference & Electromagnetic Compatibility, Ventilation Systems, Infection Control, Fire Protection Systems, Medical Gas Systems, Telemedicine, Video Conferencing & Communications Systems, Project Management, and Emergency Management

Learning Outcomes

Assess ventilation systems in medical settings and develop strategies for ensuring indoor air quality and proper ventilation. Evaluate infection control procedures and their importance in preventing the spread of disease in medical settings. Analyze the design and operation of medical gas systems, including their components, installation, and maintenance. Analyze architectural design and equipment planning in medical facilities, including facility layout, equipment selection, and space planning. Evaluate radiation shielding procedures and their importance in protecting patients and staff from radiation exposure. Analyze fire control systems and their importance in preventing and containing fires in medical settings. Evaluate telemedicine systems and their applications in medical settings, including remote patient monitoring and consultations.
Block 1: Hospitals Indoor Environment
Block 2: Infrastructure problems in hospitals
Block 3: Electrical System Safety
Block 4: Remote medical alerts and monitoring system
Issue your credentials
Dr.Frank Painter Professor, University of Connecticut