Essential Principles

Instructed by Prof. Abdallah Abdallah

Course Overview

This course aims at preparing trainees to many components needed for data analysts, including managerial aspects, statistical analysis, financial and accounting aspects. The course is structured in a very interactive manner where trainees get to be quizzed and tested on all introduced concepts. The course starts with a general introduction to break the ice, then moves into important managerial consideration, and some financial and accounting consideration, before ending with introducing the main statistical principles used by successful data analysts.

Learning Outcomes

The overall objective of the course is to prepare trainees for needed managerial and computational skills used by successful data analysts. Main learning outcomes are: Examine the common principles (managerial, economical, and computational) and how they contribute to data analysts success. Evaluate several aspects of managerial and financial practices that affect the work of data analyst. Specify a range of tools that make the work of data analyst more effective. Demonstrate Effective adaptation of new tools learned in this module.
Welcome to Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Block 1 : Introduction Why data analysis
Block 2 : Principles of Management
Block 3 : Principles of Accounting
Block 4 : Principles of Economics and Finance
Block 5 : Principles of Statistical Analysis I
Block 6 : Principles of Statistical Analysis II
Issue your credentials
Prof. Abdallah Abdallah CEO of the Amman Chamber of Industry