Medical Instrumentation in Hospitals

Instructed by Dr. Rami Al-Ouran

This course is part of Clinical Engineering Professional

Course Overview

This course will examine 10-12 current high-end and low-end technologies in use by healthcare practitioners. It will review the physiological principles, the principles of operation, major features, methods for testing and evaluating each technology and will highlight available versions of the devices on the market today. Technologies to be covered will be selected from anesthesia equipment, surgical and ophthalmic lasers, radio-graphic and fluoroscopic devices, CT, MRI, ultrasound imaging equipment, mammography, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, computerized surgical equipment, clinical chemistry analyzers, spectrophotometers and hematology analyzers. The course will be based on selected manufacturers training documents as well as journal articles from current medical publications.

Learning Outcomes

Identify and describe the basic principles of operation for various diagnostic imaging devices used in medical settings. Evaluate treatment devices used in medical settings, including their design, function, and performance characteristics. Analyze the key features and operation of laboratory equipment used in clinical settings, and describe how these devices are used to diagnose and monitor disease. Assess respiratory therapy devices and their applications in treating respiratory disorders, and develop strategies for their safe and effective use. Evaluate respiratory equipment and its importance in medical settings, including the various types of equipment and their features. Analyze surgical equipment and its use in various medical procedures, including surgical tools, imaging equipment, and monitoring devices. Identify and describe the basic principles of operation for various diagnostic equipment used in medical settings. Evaluate nuclear medicine devices and their applications in diagnosing and treating disease, and develop strategies for their safe and effective use. Analyze radiation therapy devices and their use in treating cancer, including the different types of devices and their features. Develop and implement laboratory management strategies, including policies and procedures for equipment selection, acquisition, maintenance, and calibration.
Block 1: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices
Block 2: Ultrasound & Laiser Devices
Block 3: Laboratory
Block 4: Nuclear medicine & Radation Therapy
Issue your credentials
Dr. Rami Al-Ouran Assistant professor, Department of Data Science and AI, Al-Hussein Technical University