Web Development

Course Overview

This course immerses learners in web development, starting with the basics of the internet, HTTP, and the roles of frontend and backend development. It introduces Flask for building web applications, Jinja2 for templating, and covers deploying Flask applications online, providing a comprehensive web development skill set.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the fundamentals of web development, including HTTP, servers, and client-server communication. Build dynamic web applications using Flask and Jinja2 templates. Implement SQLAlchemy for database interactions in web applications. Deploy web applications to the internet with an understanding of deployment platforms like Replit.

Field of practice

Web Developer
Full-stack Developer
Flask Developer

Technical Requirements

A computer capable of running online web applications
Advanced understanding of Python programming.
Advanced understanding of OOP programming.
Welcome to Course 5: Web Development
Block 1: What is Web Development
Block 2: Flask
Block 3: SQLAlcemy
Block 4: Displaying Events
Block 5: Going Live
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