Advanced Matlab/Simulink Tools

Instructed by Eng.Heba Jaradat, Dr.Mohammad Al-Ashhab

This course is part of Handy Matlab

Course Overview

A lot of MATLAB/Simulink powerful tools are revealed. The solution of linear and nonlinear differential equations is thoroughly explained with emphasis on the ease of using these tools. The user-friendly block diagram presentation of systems is demonstrated in Simulink which is a powerful part of MATLAB. Scientific and practical applications are solved in MATLAB/Simulink. Real life projects are demonstrated in detail to get some hands-on experience.

Learning Outcomes

Solve differential equations in MATLAB Use Simulink efficiently Solve practical scientific problems in MATLAB/Simulink mainly presented in books and projects Handle real life applications in MATLAB/Simulink
Welcome to Course 3: Advanced Matlab/Simulink Tools
Block 1: Ordinary Differential Equations
Block 2 : Solution of Nonlinear Differential Equations with Applications
Block 3: Simulink (System Representation and Solution
Block 4 :Solving Practical Scientific Applications Using MATLAB_Simulink
Extra Support Block 5: Projects from Real Life Applications
Issue your credentials
Eng.Heba Jaradat Instructor Assistant at HTU
Dr.Mohammad Al-Ashhab Mechanical Engineering Professor / Dean of Scientific Research and Innovation