Computing and Informatics

Programming from Zero to Hero

This online pathway is designed to introduce learners to the fundamental concepts of programming and coding using Java, one of the most sought-after programming languages. The course is designed to improve learners' programming techniques, problem-solving skills, and algorithm design abilities, as well as their familiarity with debugging tools and techniques.


Courses in this Pathway

6 Courses

Unlimited Access


Certificate of Completion


Pathway Overview

This online pathway is designed to introduce learners to the fundamental concepts of programming and coding using Java, one of the most sought-after programming languages. The course is designed to improve learners’ programming techniques, problem-solving skills, and algorithm design abilities, as well as their familiarity with debugging tools and techniques.

The pathway will build on learners’ existing software engineering skills by exploring Java’s Object-Oriented features and design patterns, enabling them to build more sophisticated programs and manage projects using version control tools.

By the end of this course, learners will be prepared to take the Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java certification exam, equipping them with a valuable qualification that is widely recognized in the industry.

Learning Outcomes

Code in Java and improve programming and problem-solving skills

Design algorithms as well as develop and debug programs

Build on the software engineering skills learned in Java programming by learning Java’s Object-Oriented features.

Design patterns to build more complex programs, and they will be ready to take Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)

Field of practice

Software Developer

Technical Requirements

Good Study Environment

Good Internet Connection

A computer with good processing power and memory to run the necessary software to handle programming tasks

Students need to Install a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE)

Compiler or interpreter: Some programming languages require a compiler or interpreter to run code

Courses in this accelerated pathway

This course will serve as the beginning point for the programming adventure. We will learn about the stages of implementing code and the primary tools that we will need through this course. After learning about these tools, we will learn how to set them up on our devices because using them will be vital in our programming journey. This course will cover an introduction to the Java language, its fundamentals, and the proper way of thinking as a professional programmer capable of problem solving.
Check Course

In this course, we will begin to study the fundamentals of programming in general. These fundamentals are applicable to various programming languages; but in this module we will focus on the Java language in particular. We will also look at how to write algorithms and the most well-known algorithms.
Check Course

In this course, you will learn the fundamental principles and patterns of object-oriented design. You will start by understanding the concepts of abstract and concrete classes, as well as interfaces. You will also explore the importance of encapsulation and how it is used in object-oriented programming. Additionally, you will delve into class inheritance and polymorphism, two important concepts for building robust and flexible software systems.
Check Course

In this course, you will learn the principles and fundamentals of Event-Driven Programming, a programming paradigm where the flow of program execution is determined by events such as mouse clicks, key presses, or other user interactions. You will explore the basics of event handling and how it is implemented in Java, as well as the benefits of using an event-driven approach to programming. You will also learn how to develop Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) using two popular Java frameworks: Swing and JavaFX. You will start by learning the basics of Swing, a mature and widely-used GUI toolkit. You will explore how to create windows, buttons, menus, and other GUI components using Swing, as well as how to handle events in a Swing-based application. You will then dive into JavaFX, a more modern and versatile GUI toolkit. You will learn how to create GUI components using FXML, a markup language for building user interfaces, as well as how to handle events in a JavaFX-based application. Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience by building your own Java GUI applications using Swing and JavaFX. You will also learn how to structure your code in a way that makes it easy to maintain and extend. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of Event-Driven Programming and the skills to develop sophisticated Graphical User Interfaces with Java Swing and JavaFX.
Check Course

In this course, you will explore the different types of errors that can occur in Java programs, and learn how to apply the concepts of debugging to develop efficient and error-free code. You will learn how to identify and fix common errors such as syntax errors, logical errors, and runtime errors. You will also learn how to use Java's exception handling mechanism, which allows you to gracefully handle errors that cannot be resolved at runtime. You will learn how to throw and catch exceptions, as well as how to use exception handling to improve the reliability and robustness of your Java programs. In addition, you will learn how to deal with files in Java, including how to read from and write to files, how to create and delete files, and how to manipulate file paths. You will explore the different types of file formats that Java supports, including text files, binary files, and XML files.
Check Course

This course is designed to prepare learner s for the Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) exam, a globally recognized certification in Java programming. The course covers key exam topics, including Java basics, object-oriented programming, Java data types, control structures, and arrays. learner s will gain hands-on experience through solving exercises that simulate real-world programming scenarios and exploring challenging review questions. In addition, the course offers exam readiness checks to evaluate learner 's readiness and provide personalized feedback. This course is ideal for Java developers who want to demonstrate their mastery of Java programming and earn the OCA certification. By the end of the course, learner s will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to pass the OCA exam and further advance their Java programming career.
Check Course

Pathway Team

Hikmat Shehadeh

Teaching and Research Assistant

Hana Al Rasheed

Eng. Dania Alsaid